she's like heroin

Chrissi alias Blackleg. 35. German. She...
- loves Manga and Anime. Favs: One Piece, Vagabond, Angel Sanctuary, X/1999, Tokyo Babylon, Vinland Saga, Berserk, Billy Bat.
- fancies Nami & Sanji (One Piece)
- is in love with her boyfriend, Anime & Manga, travelling and concerts
- works as a Virtual Assistant
- listens to music all the time
- is always tired
- ... but still working on new (web)projects, whenever she's awake ;)
- has a faible for tattoos
- wants to live in Northern Europe for some time
- creates websites since she was 14
Random questions
001. What is your name? Christine002. Spell your name backwards: Enitsirhc
003. Date of birth: March 3rd, 1988
004. Male or female? female
005. Astrological sign: Pisces
006. Nicknames: Chrissi
007. Hair color: brown, but mostly dyed red
008. Where were you born? Bavaria, Germany
009. Where do you reside now? also Bavaria, Germany
010. Age: 29
011. Screen names: Blackleg/Blacky
012. E-mail address: blacky (at)
013. What does your screen name stand for: "Black Leg" is Sanjis Wanted-nickname given by the marines. I love One Piece, I love Sanji-kun and I wanted some special name that's why I chose this one.
015. What kind of pets do you have? none, unfortunately
016. Piercings? none
017. Tattoos? eight right now
018. Shoe size? 5,5; 38
019. Righty or lefty? lefty
020. Wearing: black skinny jeans, grey tanktop
021. Hearing: Nine Inch Nails - Closer
022. Feeling: excited and anxious at the same time
023. Reading: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire